This has been a crazy eventful month. Unfortunately we have battled more than our fair share of sickness. It started out with both of them having Pink eye and Kaylyn having a double ear infection and evolved into Kylee getting RAD (reactive airway disease) and a double ear infection and Kaylyn getting Croup (which require a 911 Ambulance ride to the hosptial), Pneumonia (another trip to the ER), and yet another double ear infection ALL in the same Week! The Dr's have said that Kaylyn is more prone to the croup becoming extremely serious due to the fact that she was intubated for almost 2 weeks when she was born (Kylee was intubated for less than a day), therefore there is scar tissue in her airway so any inflamation at all can potentially completely cut off her airway. We are hopeful that the bigger she gets, the less of an issue this will be. I am happy to report that things are finally on the up and up health wise here and both of the girls are back to their normal happy selves.
It is unbelievable how aware of their surroundings they are becoming. They are both constantly telling me to "Look" and "Listen". They love to identify different sounds that they hear including puppies, cars, lawn mowers, airplanes, helicopters and more. It was really funny because we went to the River for a couple days a few weeks ago and we were standing outside and the generator was on and Kaylyn said, "Look Mommy!! The Moon in the Sky! ......Noisy Moon!". She thought the sound the generator was making was coming from the Moon!
Along with being aware of their surroundings is knowing what belongs to who, and especially if something belongs to them. They have become very possessive and "My", "Me", and "Mine" have become very popular words around here. They are both also very efficient in their use of Prepositions. They use them often to describe whatever it is that they are talking about. They are consistently talking in full sentences now, and their vocabulary and ability to utilize words and phrases correctly constantly amazes me. They also have the mastered the concept of opposites such as up and down, open and close, hot and cold, on and off, in and out, and more.
They can also identify "Owies" now and they tell me when something hurts them. They even point to and tell me the correct body part of the injury. Whenever they get hurt they instantly come up and tell me what hurts and tell me to kiss it. Once it is kissed they both announce that it is "All Better!".
They have begun to actively play together more and more, as opposed to mostly parallel play. They have such an amazing bond and friendship. I love watching them interact with each other. Their imaginations are fascinating and its so fun to watch them explore their world.
I think I have little clean freaks on my hands. These kids LOVE to clean! They love to sweep, do dishes, vacuum, and wipe things down. Hopefully if I encourage it enough they will still have this passion when they are teenagers!
I can't believe it was nearly 2 years ago that I was admitted to the hospital on bedrest with the girls. They really have come so far and exceeded everyone's expectations of where they should be right now both in development and growth. I am amazed by how much they have overcome in such a short period of time. They warm my heart daily!