I am quickly learning that my opinion on what they should wear is no longer valid, and they are very clear about their own ideas of how they think things should be.
For about a week leading up to Halloween, I kept telling the girls that they were going to be Ladybugs. Kaylyn was not having it! I would gently remind her, "Kaylyn this year you and Kylee are going to be Ladybugs for Halloween.", to which she would staunchly reply "No Mommy. I'm a be a Dinosaur!". After going round and round with her on this issue, I let it go and hoped that it would resolve itself come Halloween.
We decided to forgo Trick or Treating this year as the girls are still pretty young, so instead we went to a Halloween Festival with Grandma and Grandpa at a local elementary school. The girls were fascinated with all of the different costumes, and enjoyed watching all of the kids. Wouldn't you know it that the very first costume we saw was a Dinosaur! I thought I was in for it. Kaylyn followed that kid around for a good 10 minutes, but ultimately must have been distracted by something else and eventually let it go.
It was a fun time, and the girls were so good. I think next year I will just let the girls pick what they want to be from the get go.
Very cute, but what horrible luck that the first thing you see is a dinosaur! What are you going to do if Kaylyn wants to be a dinosaur and Kylee wants to be fireperson? Are you going to let them dress differently?
Those costumes are adorable!
cute costumes!
They look ADORABLE!!! I love their little painted faces.
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