I just got back from our 13 week Dr. appointment, and I think it was the best one yet! Both of the babies are doing great. They are measuring the same size, and the coolest part is they are moving all over the place! I can't feel them kick really, its more like a "flutter" or butterflies in my tummy. Right now they are on top of each other. Baby A is spread out laying down, and Baby B is curled up in a ball, rather comfortably I might add.
The sexes of the babies has yet to be determined. I was hoping we would see penis' today, but realistically I knew it was too early. My Dr. says we should know what they are within the next month.
My doctor also said that she will probably take me out of work at around 20 weeks, that is only 7 weeks from now. It seems really early, but when you are carrying twins and it is high risk, it is probably for the better. We will have to see how things progress.
Our next appointment will be Monday July 2nd! But so far so good....I cant wait to meet these little one's, and it feels like it is sooo far away!
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