Sunday, December 28, 2008

1 Year Old Adjusted!!

Today was the girls due date one year ago, and it is also marks their adjusted 1st Birthday! Developmentally I think they are already ahead of their adjusted age, but their Dr's will continue to use the adjusted age until they are 2. I am so amazed at how well my 28 week preemies are doing. We are so incredibly lucky! I am going to be making a follow up appointment with the developmental clinic in January so we will know exactly where they stand. I don't think at this point that we have anything to be concerned about.

A year ago they had both been home from the NICU for a couple weeks at this point and were so little. I remember not getting any sleep, working so hard with them just to eat 3-4oz, and constant Dr's appointments. Those first few months of them being home were exhausting, but I have to say that being a mom is one of the most rewarding things I have ever experienced. I am so thankful to have such wonderful family and friends that helped Keith and I through it all. We could not have done it without you!

We have waited until now to start transitioning the girls to Cow's milk because their pediatrician felt that they should still get the added nutritional value and extra calories from formula. Right now I am giving them 1/2 Milk and 1/2 formula. When we get to the last can of formula that we have left we will do 3/4 Milk and 1/4 Formula, then onto just straight milk. Our next goal will be to wean from bottles and onto Sippy cups. They are also getting 3 meals a day of table foods and a couple snacks here and there if they are hungry.

These little girls truly are my little miracles!


Kelly on December 28, 2008 at 1:32 PM said...

I would say your girls are definitly past their adjusted age!! They are always doing so well.

I have tried to wean out bottles (just at their afternoon bottle) and it is soooo hard! I guess maybe the girls are just not ready? I will be following your blog for any suggestions :)

OH! and congrats for ALMOST being finished with formula! I know I shouldn't have negative feelings toward something that gave my girls life but I will NOT miss mixing bottles when we are given the go ahead to switch!

Cynthia on December 28, 2008 at 7:03 PM said...

We have those same monkey jammies! Congrats on one year adjusted girls!! You've come such a long way.

mrs.izzy on December 29, 2008 at 7:13 PM said...

Your girls are beautiful and doing extremely well from the looks of things.

We have the same PJ! :-)

KGplus3 on December 30, 2008 at 10:03 PM said...

They ARE little miracles. And it's so wonderful watching them grow & thrive. Xoxo

Unknown on December 31, 2008 at 10:25 AM said...

Oh I agree...way above their adjusted age!! They are doing great!!