We have been doing a lot of talk about going Pee-Pee/Poo-Poo on the potty around here. I take the girls in the bathroom with me every time I have to go. They also have their own potties that they sit on every night before bath time. So they are pretty familiar and comfortable with them.
Then last night at grandma's, seemingly out of nowhere Kylee tells me, "Pee-Pee Potty Mommy". So grandma rushed her to her potty chair and she Peed!!! Then Kaylyn thought it was a good idea and she peed on the potty as well!!
I don't know that we are quite ready for full blown potty training just yet, but we are definitely going to keep working on it, and continue to follow their lead as to when they are ready.
YAY!!! That is great they are getting use to the idea. And even if not ready for full potty training you are off to a terrific start!
OMG, you're on your way to no more diapers!!!! How fabulous! Kristin
This picture is so funny and adorable!
why can't you just let them make yellow pee pee in the tubwater
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