Saturday, December 8, 2007

Kaylyn is Home!!

Kaylyn came home on Thursday night after 62 days in the NICU, and so far so good!! The first night, she had no interest what so ever in sleeping in her pack and play. Keith and I finally gave in and let her sleep between us. I know you are not supposed to do that, but I was so exhausted and did not have the brain power to figure out an alternative.

Yesterday we had a very busy day. First, Kaylyn and I went to go visit Kylee at the hospital. The nurses were glad to see Kaylyn, they were already starting to miss her. Then Kaylyn had her first Dr. appointment all the way in Temecula, so we drove up there. She now weighs 6lbs and is 19in long. She is in the 25-50th percentile, and the Dr. was very pleased. She has to go back in a week for a recheck to make sure that she continues to gain weight.

Last night was much better. We got a little space heater and that warmed the room right up. We also used the "Sleep Bear" that Michelle got for them that makes white noise so they are able to go to sleep. That combination worked beautfully, and she only woke up twice to eat and then she went right back to sleep.

Kylee is doing good. She is still not very consistant with her feedings, so we are thinking she will probably be home in another week or so. Then the fun will really begin!!

I am so happy, and I just love my little girls so much. It really has been a long road to get here, but it has been more than worth it. Soon we will all be together as a family!