Wednesday, September 17, 2008

First Tooth & First Steps

Today was a big day in our world!!

Kaylyn's first tooth is finally protruding through the gums!! You wouldn't know it by her temperament, as she has been perfectly happy but you can definitely feel it. I am excited to see how long it takes until it fully comes in!!

Kylee took her first steps today without holding onto anything!! I cannot even believe it! She was holding on to her little slide and she just took off. The first time she took 2 steps before falling...then after that Keith and I were working with her and she took as many as 4 steps several times. It's not going to be long until she is fully mobile!

Within the last couple of weeks they both have become incredibly ticklish! Its so fun to get them all worked up and laughing hysterically.

They are such a joy, I am such a lucky mommy!


Anonymous said...

That is so great about Kaylyn's tooth!!!!

Way to walk Kylee!!!

marcy on September 18, 2008 at 8:51 PM said...

...and you said you wouldn't encourage the walking! Ha! That's ok, love the pic of the girls on the slide. So what did they wear to there big performance today?

marcy on September 18, 2008 at 8:53 PM said...

oh yeah, and one more thing. i don't think you would want me to be an aco in your county! look at that dog running loose!!

KGplus3 on September 19, 2008 at 7:55 PM said...

No more toothless, non walkers! You're in trouble now!! ;-)