In a way I am glad that she got it because it means our quarantine can officially end tomorrow! 24 hours after she has been getting the drops she will no longer be contagious. It will be nice to get out of the house. We have now been on lock down since Thursday!!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
I Spoke too Soon!
In a way I am glad that she got it because it means our quarantine can officially end tomorrow! 24 hours after she has been getting the drops she will no longer be contagious. It will be nice to get out of the house. We have now been on lock down since Thursday!!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Double Ear Infection and Pink Eye
For the last couple of days, Kaylyn seemed to be a little "off". She just was not acting like her happy-go-lucky self, and she was more whiney and clingy than normal. I didn't think much of it, but then shotly thereafter her nose started running, she started coughing and sneezing a bit, and her eyes looked a little puffy. Keith and I decided that she must have allergies and kind of left it at that.
Yesterday afternoon when she woke up from her nap her Eye was all goopy and gross. I wiped it off (thinking it was sleep goobers), and not 10 minutes later there was more goop. I decided I better call the Dr and see what they say. I talked to the triage nurse and she wanted me to bring her in right away. She got us an appointment, and off we went.
I took Kaylyn to the Dr, and Keith stayed home with Kylee. The entire time we were gone, Kaylyn was extremely concerned about where Kylee was. She kept asking where her sissy was, and why she wasn't buckled in her seat. It isn't very often that one of them goes somewhere without the other one.
The Dr. determined that Kaylyn has Conjuctivitis (Pink Eye) and a double ear infection! I had no idea! Her eyes weren't even pink, so pink eye did not even cross my mind. Apparently, not everyone actually gets the pink coloring in their eyes with this infection. I felt so bad for my little bug! The Dr prescribed Eye drop antibiotics to do away with the Conjunctivitis and Oral antibiotics for the ear infection.
After wrestling her down, and fighting her to get the eye drops in her eyes to seemingly no avail, a friend of mine gave me some great advice! She told me to try having her close her eyes and put the drops in her tear ducts, then when she opens her eyes the drops with cover the entirety of her eye ball. I gave it a try, and it worked like a charm! Thankfully, Kaylyn loves the oral antibiotics so that is not a problem at all.
As many of you probably know, Pink Eye is highly contagious! It also has an incubation period of 1-2 weeks before any symptoms show up, but it is still contagious during that time. Right now, Kylee hasn't shown any symptoms of having it but that doesn't mean we are in the clear. We are currently on Pink Eye Quarantine and won't be going anywhere for a few days.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
My Mini Choir
Kylee and Kaylyn have recently started to sing-a-long to all of their favorite songs! Some of the biggest hits are "Twinkle-Twinkle", "Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes", "I'm a little TeaPot', "Itsy Bitsy Spider", "5 Little Monkeys", "Ring around the Rosie", "Wheels on the Bus", and "Wiggle, Wiggle". It's funny because they don't know all the words, but they fill in the blanks with La-la-la, or they just skip that section they don't know completely and go back to what they do know. It gives a whole new meaning to the term, "Broken Record"!
They also love to dance along to their favorite songs, while singing the words. It's funny because they are thinking so much about the words, they don't focus so much on their dancing and tend to lose their balance and fall over!
They have also recently begun to sing each other to sleep each evening after we put them to bed. It is very sweet listening to them sing together!
Friday, August 7, 2009
Out of the Mouths of Babes
The girls have both said and done some really funny things lately, and I thought you might get a kick out of a few of them...
Kaylyn just put her baby on timeout! She was pushing her in her stroller and says: "No, No Baby.....One, Two, Three....Timeout Baby!!" She then put her baby in the timeout spot and said "No Get up Baby!" She left her there for a while, went back and picked up her baby and said "OK, Get up. I Love you", and gave her baby kisses. She is quite the little disciplinarian!!
The girls love to help me with the laundry, especially Kaylyn. Well the other day, the dryer buzzer beeped and I went to the laundry room to fold the clothes and Kaylyn followed me in there.
Typically Kaylyn will pull the clothes out and hand them to me, but since the dryer had just stopped I warned her that it might be Hot and to be careful. So I opened the dryer, and she very cautiously leaned over and started Blowing in the dryer to cool the clothes off! Once it cooled off a bit she pulled out one of her dresses and blew on it as well!
The girls were watching their favorite TV show, Yo Gabba Gabba and somehow Kylee got a hold of the remote. She pushed some buttons and caused it to interupt her show. She immediately came and found me, handed me the remote and said, "Uh Oh Mommy. TB (TV) Broken. Fix it"
Both of the girls Love to feed the dog. This is a habit we have been trying to break because they prefer to feed the dog their food, rather than dog food.
Apparently Kylee was done eating her lunch the other day and said, "Bannit Hungee (Bandit's Hundry). Come Here Bannit!". So of course Bandit came. "Bannit Bite". Her plate was then empty and she proclaimed "All Done Mommy", as if I thoguht she finished her lunch herself!
We put the girls to bed the other night, and after about 10 minutes of laying in bed Kaylyn felt the need to get out of bed and antagonize her sister who was resting peacefully.
She walked over to Kylee's bed and said "Hi Sissy!.....Kisses Sissy??" Kylee was pretty much ignoring her, but she persisted..."Tickle, Tickle Sissy" and she uncovered her sister and tickled her toes. She then went back to her bed and said, "Night, Night Sissy"
These girls are just cracking me up!!
Our First Walk to the Park
Although we go to the park pretty regularly, yesterday was the first time we all walked there instead of loading the girls up in the stroller and heading down there. The park is probably about 4 blocks away, and we figured this would be a good way for the girls to burn off some energy before bedtime.
For the first time, the girls swung on the Big Kid swings, and they absolutely loved it! Kaylyn even figured out how to pump her legs to get moving.
They had a great time, and were not happy when we had to leave!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
22 Months Old
OK, this is getting ridiculous! Time is just going way too fast! I can't even wrap my head around the fact that the girls are going to be 2 in just two more short months!
This last month has brought some new independence for the girls. They are now successfully transitioned into their big girl beds! I thought for sure it was going to be a nightmare, but it was such an easy transition for all of us, and we have had no issues whatsoever! They sleep so much better in their new beds. The other night they did a little switch-a-roo on me and switched beds without me knowing. I went into their room the next morning, and I was really confused! It has been a while since I have had to do a double take, and it definitely took me a minute to figure out what was going on!
The girls also decided the other day that they were "All Done high chairs". They now sit at the table in booster seats. Now that they are finally over their plate flipping stage, I figured now was just as good of time to do it than any. They do a great job sitting at the table like big girls!
The newest thing around here is that the girls want to know where everyone is. Every morning they do a roll call of all the people in their life that they see often, and I tell them where everyone is. This list even includes C.J., who is Grandma and Grandpa's dog!
"Mine" and "My ...." are also getting to be popular words around here. They are sure to let us know what belongs to them! A couple of weeks ago we were at the play area at the mall, and both of the girls were off playing. A little boy came up and sat next to me and was showing me his car that he had. Kaylyn saw this and immediately ran across the entire play area, climbed up on me and told the little boy "My Mommy!".
They are also big letting us know what belongs to who. They are constantly properly identifying different belongings and associating them with the rightful owner. For example, if they find one of Keith's shirts, it's "Daddy's shirt", if they see my sunglasses, it's "Mommy's Glasses". The list goes on and they do this with everything!
These girls definitely have a gift of gab! The talking never ends, and if for some reason it is quiet chances are that they are doing something they aren't supposed to! They now speak in 2-4 word phrases a lot of the time. I am amazed by the stuff they pick up!
With the remodeling of the girls new room for their new beds, we finally got their growth charts hung up. As of last week both of the girls were just a hair under 36" tall. I cannot believe that they are not even 2 yet, and they are already 3ft tall!
It has been a really fun month! Everyday they continue to grow, learn and amaze us!
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