The girls have both said and done some really funny things lately, and I thought you might get a kick out of a few of them...
Kaylyn just put her baby on timeout! She was pushing her in her stroller and says: "No, No Baby.....One, Two, Three....Timeout Baby!!" She then put her baby in the timeout spot and said "No Get up Baby!" She left her there for a while, went back and picked up her baby and said "OK, Get up. I Love you", and gave her baby kisses. She is quite the little disciplinarian!!
The girls love to help me with the laundry, especially Kaylyn. Well the other day, the dryer buzzer beeped and I went to the laundry room to fold the clothes and Kaylyn followed me in there.
Typically Kaylyn will pull the clothes out and hand them to me, but since the dryer had just stopped I warned her that it might be Hot and to be careful. So I opened the dryer, and she very cautiously leaned over and started Blowing in the dryer to cool the clothes off! Once it cooled off a bit she pulled out one of her dresses and blew on it as well!
The girls were watching their favorite TV show, Yo Gabba Gabba and somehow Kylee got a hold of the remote. She pushed some buttons and caused it to interupt her show. She immediately came and found me, handed me the remote and said, "Uh Oh Mommy. TB (TV) Broken. Fix it"
Both of the girls Love to feed the dog. This is a habit we have been trying to break because they prefer to feed the dog their food, rather than dog food.
Apparently Kylee was done eating her lunch the other day and said, "Bannit Hungee (Bandit's Hundry). Come Here Bannit!". So of course Bandit came. "Bannit Bite". Her plate was then empty and she proclaimed "All Done Mommy", as if I thoguht she finished her lunch herself!
We put the girls to bed the other night, and after about 10 minutes of laying in bed Kaylyn felt the need to get out of bed and antagonize her sister who was resting peacefully.
She walked over to Kylee's bed and said "Hi Sissy!.....Kisses Sissy??" Kylee was pretty much ignoring her, but she persisted..."Tickle, Tickle Sissy" and she uncovered her sister and tickled her toes. She then went back to her bed and said, "Night, Night Sissy"
These girls are just cracking me up!!
Seriously the cutest things I have ever heard! LOL
Is a great step in their lifes.
That is so cute!
They are not only adorable, but SO smart! I can't wait until my girls can express themselves like that. Thanks for making me smile!
you're a good story-teller! I feel like I can hear them talking and doing these things just by your words.
That is beyond adorable!!!!
Such cute, smart girls!
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