Monday, March 2, 2009

We Finally Made it Back to the River!!

It seems like it has been forever since we have been out to the River, but we were finally able to make a trip down there again last weekend!! The weather could not have been more perfect, it was sunny in the mid-70's the entire time! This trip was the best trip we have had with the girls there yet! We all had such a great time!

They played in the mud, collected rocks, and ran around endlessly. The ground at the river is fairly uneven with lots of rocks and I was very impressed at how well they maneuvered through it. We made it home without one skinned knee! I also took this opportunity of being outside to introduce playdoh for the first time. Sadly, the girls were not overjoyed with it, and were more concerned about the jars that the playdoh comes in.

Now that the girls are following commands fairly well, we began teaching them an essential river trick- Getting Mommy and Daddy a beer out of the Cooler!! Here is Kaylyn practicing her new "skill"!
Now that the girls are older and much more independent, I am hopeful we will be making many more trips to the river and more often!


Karen R on March 5, 2009 at 1:28 PM said...

Isn't it so nice to get away for a wknd!? you are always doing wonderful things with those girls!

Unknown on March 5, 2009 at 3:32 PM said...

So glad you guys had such a good time!!!

marcy on March 5, 2009 at 7:43 PM said...

Sorry I couldn't make it. The final decision was made so late there wasn't anything I could do with all my 4-legged extras! Glad you had such a wonderful weekend :)

Heather & Chaos on March 17, 2009 at 4:04 PM said...

Ok how big is your playyard?? I have two sets (we had one and then a friend gave us theirs) and my girls FREAK OUT when we put them in it. Like we are caging them or something. :sigh: I guess that's a benefit of only having one walking then.