Monday, February 18, 2008

Bouncy Chairs to the Rescue!

Well Keith has been gone since last Friday, and it has been very challenging to say the least. Thankfully the Prevacid for the girls' reflux has helped tremendously! They are both much happier babies, and I am a happy mommy knowing that they feel better!

Their new favorite thing to do lately is to be bounced. Well bouncing 2 babies on your legs for hours on end is no easy task. So on Sunday I decided to go to Babies R Us and invest in some bouncy chairs. These things have been a God send! They both love them. The bouncy chairs have an activity bar on them that has all kinds of interesting things for them to look at. It keeps them entertained for quite a while.

Today something miraculous happened-Both of the girls took a nap at the SAME time for 4 hours!! It was so great. Everyone I have told then asks me what I did with all my free time, and I am quick to point out that I slept with them! We had a great nap together.

I called the NICU today and talked to the girls primary nurse Urvashi. Last week I sent 4 of the nurses thank you cards with pictures of the girls and I just wanted to make sure that they got them. According to Urvashi, they all LOVED them! I think we might set up a lunch date next week so they can see how much the girls have grown. I am really excited, they were all so amazing with the girls...

Tomorrow we are off to our first trip to the River with the girls. I am a little scared that its going to be a lot to handle, but I am hopeful everything will be fine. Grandma and Grandpa are going to be out there, so there will be extra hands which is always nice. The weather is supposed to be nice in the mid 70's. Maybe I will even get a few minutes to read my new book- Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child. Its amazing how much everything in your life changes when you have kids. I would have never pictured myself reading such a book!

Now that the girls are both sleeping soundly, I am going to join them and get some sleep. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow! Wish us Luck


Anonymous said...

Yay for sleep especially when it's synchronized!!!! The river sounds like a great new adventure, I cant wait to see pictures, hint hint!!!! Kids definitely change everything you used to be/do and thats what makes you truely grounded and complete as a human being!!!! Love you:)

Heather & Chaos on February 20, 2008 at 9:34 AM said...

We went camping for the first time with the girls last weekend. You'll do fine! Enjoy the river, take lots of pictures and relish in thier first river trip!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well this explains why you phone has been off! Hopefully you all are having an amazing time! Also, in case you didn't get Floryna's hint, pictures (of the girls in swimsuits) would be awesome! Love ya and miss talking to ya!
