Friday, January 9, 2009

Developmental Appointment

The girls had their developmental follow-up yesterday and I am proud to report that they have surpassed everyone's expectations, even the Dr's that have been following them! Amazingly, they are already caught up to their actual age with their size, gross & fine motor skills as well as their vocabulary. The Dr said they are both doing remarkably well, and they don't need to be seen again until after they are 2!!

I don't remember the exact numbers, but the girls are both above the 90th percentile in Height and Weight for 15 month olds. It looks like they are going to be tall and thin, go figure! With a mom that is 5'9", and a dad that is 6'4" I wouldn't expect anything else.

The only concern out of the whole appointment was the size of Kaylyn's head. It is no secret that the girls have always had big heads, but up until now Kaylyn's head was growing on a curve. For some reason her head circumfrence has shot up, and it's now off the charts. Today we are taking her to see her pediatrician, and they will most likely order an MRI to make sure there is nothing going on up there. One of the fears, especially since she was a preemie, is that she may have hydrocephalus (water on the brain). The Dr told us yesterday that since she is doing so well developmentally, the chances are it is probably just genetic but she does just want to make sure. She previously measured both Keith and my head for comparison and Keiths was in the 98th percentile, and mine was in the 78th percentile!. To do the MRI, Kaylyn will have to be sedated which means that she will also have to be intubated, but I am hopeful it will be an outpatient deal and she will be home the same day. I should know more this by this afternoon as to what the plan is going to be.


Unknown on January 9, 2009 at 7:35 AM said...

That is great to hear they are developing so well!

Hope the appointment and MRI goes really well. Sending lots of hugs your way. Must be scary to have to go through that and to watch your little one have to go through it.

joannabug on January 9, 2009 at 7:43 AM said...

Sounds like some great news! I can't believe how fast your girls are growing!!!

joannabug-from twinstuff

Anonymous said...

Hugs Kyrstyn. I bet it is because she is just too smart. Regardless, I am sorry that this stress and worry has been put on your shoulders.

annemarie from BC at TS