Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Results are In!

So the Dr called today with the results of Kaylyn's MRI and everything is Normal!! There is a little extra fluid around her brain, but all of her valves are working properly and apparently that is normal for kids and doesn't indicate any problems! I am so incredibly relieved! Apparently she just has a huge head!

We have had such a busy week! Aside from the MRI, we also managed to make it to the Zoo and Sea World. The weather has been gorgeous, and it just wouldn't have been right to waste it by sitting at home. I have lots of new pictures to share from our adventures, but we are still at Keith's parents house and my camera cord to upload the pictures is at home, so those will have to wait.

Next week Keith will start a new schedule at work (he is going from a 56 hour work week to a 72 hour work week), and he will also begin the month long fire academy. After the completion of this academy he will officially be a Paramedic/Firefighter. Although the money will be better, this also means that it is more likely that he can get called away on strike teams whenever a big fire hits (possibly for weeks at a time). The academy is going to be 6 days a week, and he will also still be scheduled his normal work days. Unfortunately that means in that month long period, he will only have 2 days off! I am glad that we got some good family time in before this starts.

Thank you so much for all of your kind words and positive thoughts in regards to Kaylyn's situation. It definitely paid off!


marcy on January 15, 2009 at 8:55 PM said...

Yay for Kaylyn! and poor daddy... that's a rough schedule! I know you are probably ready to get back home, but Sara and I are coming to town this weekend. I think we're going to the zoo on Sunday if you're interested.

marcy on January 15, 2009 at 9:00 PM said...

oh yeah, and i had to take a double take on that picture! i had to figure out if it was a mirror or not! so cute.

marcy on January 15, 2009 at 9:00 PM said...

oh yeah, and i had to take a double take on that picture! i had to figure out if it was a mirror or not! so cute.

Anonymous said...


Cynthia on January 16, 2009 at 4:05 AM said...

Oh thank goodness! What a relief indeed. YAY!

joannabug on January 16, 2009 at 7:09 AM said...


Annie on January 16, 2009 at 8:01 PM said...

Thank God everything is fine. God is good.

Have a nice weekend.

k on January 18, 2009 at 6:17 AM said...

Stumbled upon your blog via Double TRouble Twins blog which was via Dake Family..anyway had to comment on your name spelling...similar to mine. Cool!

Karen R on January 18, 2009 at 2:19 PM said...

I also had a double-take on that picture--thought it was a mirror at first! Love the jammies (Addisyn has the same ones). Glad Kaylyn just has a big head! Good luck surviving the next month.

whose plan is this on January 20, 2009 at 11:45 AM said...

Hi, one of my twins had macrocephly too. Same thing... they will just grow out of it.. or into it(jj). Glad to hear that's all that it was.
I love your blog, you are always so positive!
I miss S.Ca weather, every day is a nice day.

KGplus3 on January 22, 2009 at 12:42 PM said...

I'm SO happy Kaylyn's results came back good. Xoxo

I'm also praying for your sanity w/ Keith's new schedule. ;-)