Sunday, May 4, 2008

So Far, So Good!

So we all survived the first night of CIO, no swaddling and no binkies!! And I am very proud to report that the girls did AMAZING!! Kylee slept from 7-10, got up to eat and then went right back down, and slept from 10:30-6:45 this morning!! Kaylyn slept from 7-3, got up to eat and then went down and slept until 7:15!! They each got an 8 hour stretch in, which is unheard of in our world!!

We are still working on naps in the crib, and today was not as successful as I would have liked but it was not completely terrible either. I think its just going to take some adjusting. Tonight both of the girls were out within 15 minutes of being put down. I have heard that it can get worse before it gets better, so I am preparing myself for that. But so far, so good.

Today the girls were both in their bouncy chairs and I decided to feed them their oatmeal in there rather than moving them to their high chairs. So I got the oatmeal ready and fed it to them. They did great, and the evidence was ALL over their face. It was a mess! It was in their eyebrows, in their hair, all over their hands-you get the idea. So I went into the nursery to get a washcloth to get them cleaned up. When I got back both of their faces were spotless! Apparently Bandit cleaned them up in my absence. Kind of gross, but funny none the less.

Both of the girls are now able to push themselves into a standing position if you hold their hands for balance. We are working on sitting unassisted as well, but we are still pretty wobbly with that one. All in good time! I cannot believe that they are going to be 7 months old next week!


marcy on May 4, 2008 at 9:34 PM said...

That's awesome news! Hopefully it just keeps getting better and better.

Karen R on May 6, 2008 at 12:04 PM said...

sounds like letting them cry is a good thing! very hard, yes, but worth it! Addisyn just decided to STOP sleeping through the night so we might try CIO too!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so glad to read that they are cooperating w/you and CIO!!!! I know I keep telling you, but I am so proud very proud of you:) Love and miss you!