I really dont have a good excuse for not updating my blog, and I really don't even have a reason either. I guess I just was not in the mood. But we are still pregnant, and that is good. I am sorry if I caused any worry due to lack of updates!
Things have been relatively quiet the last couple of days. My contractions have been a little bad, and have had to be controlled 4 times with a secondary contraction medication.
Yesterday we celebrated the 27 week NON-Birthday. It was really nice. Grandma Silvia brought brownies and juice, Michelle brought in a Non-Birthday balloon, and we had quite the celebration. 1 more week and we will have reached our first milestone of 28 weeks!!
I do have to say that Keith is getting pretty burned out. He has been so amazing. He goes to work everyday, and then comes to the hospital and takes care of me until 10 or 11 at night, then gets up at 5 am the next morning to do it all over again. By last night you could see it on his face that it was starting to catch up with him, and he was really tired-so I sent him home early to get some rest. Tomorrow he has a day off, and he is going to go to the CORR races in Chula Vista with all of the boys, so I think that will be really good for him. I don't know what I would do without him, I really am the luckiest girl in the world.
Everything else is going good, we are just taking things one day at a time. I am hoping they can get my contractions more under control in the next couple of days but we will see. I will try and do better about updating my blog, sorry again for the lapse. Thanks for all of your thoughts, and I will let you know if there is anything else new and exciting to report.
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