Thursday, April 3, 2008

Bath Time Fun

We made our way home today from our wonderful visit with Grandma and Grandpa's house and Keith tackled our backyard. Needless to say we haven't exactly had time to work on the yard and the weeds were out of control. Keith did a wonderful job and it made such a huge difference. It looks Great!!

The girls are finally big enough to support themselves in their little baby bath tub. They had a blast kicking and splashing. We even put in a couple little splash toys that they would grab and gnaw on. Its too bad they don't make a twin baby bath tub, that would be the cutest! The only downside to bath time is getting out of the tub. Even though we crank up the heater and quickly dry them off they are still not happy campers. Usually by the time we get them dressed they have pretty much calmed down. I Love the smell of a clean baby!!

The girls just went down for the night and I think I am going to make my way to bed. I am exhausted! Maybe tonight will be the night they start to sleep through the night!?!


Anonymous said...

I love your 3 girls all laying in a row! How cute! Hopefully after all the trouble tonight, it will be the night they make it through!!

Karen R on April 4, 2008 at 2:47 PM said...

I can tell you really love your hubby! Good to hear about your happy family...

Anonymous said...

I wish they bottled that clean baby smell! I hope you guys have a wonderful wkend and you especially get a chance to catch up on some sleep! Thank you for posting and including pictures, I love them! Love and miss you:)