Sunday, April 13, 2008

Our Little Bully

This morning, I had both of the girls propped on a pillow laying on my bed after they ate their breakfast. They were laughing and having a great time, and Kylee had her little ball with holes in it (so its easier for her to hold) and Kaylyn had her favorite alphabet singing frog, Leap. Well, Kaylyn saw the ball and decided that it looked way better than Leap and tried to grab it from Kylee. When Kylee wouldn't let go, Kaylyn hit her on top of her head! Then they were both crying, Kylee because she just got hit on the head and Kaylyn because she didn't have the toy she wanted. I figured this would be a fun challenge with twins, but I would have never guessed that it would start this early!

It is becoming impossible to keep the girls swaddled. Unfortunately that is really the only way that we have success getting them to sleep. They are just getting too big and too strong that they can break out of it everytime! Its so frustrating because they flick their binkies out of their mouths, flail their arms and rub their face which just gets them all worked up and aggravated- making sleep nearly impossible.

Some of their hair is Finally starting to grow back! Its not long by any means but at least is starting to come in. I think its going to be a dark blonde color. Their eyes are still stunningly bright blue, I am hoping that stays. They are beautiful!

Once the girls wake up from their nap we are going to take a walk. Unfortunately pool time never worked out yesterday :(


marcy on April 13, 2008 at 2:09 PM said...

I just have to say that your first paragraph had my laughing pretty good! I could visualize it in my head and I'm sorry, but that's so funny...

Next, your girls will always be beautiful no matter what their eye color or hair color are! You just have to teach them to stop being such bullies!

Anonymous said...

They have outgrown the swaddle, so how about we create a faux swaddle that looks like those restraint suits?!:) I think for my son I ended up using a long sleeved t-shirt that was like a size 2t or 5t and i would fold over the bottom of the T so it would be mid belly and would give him some slack to kinda move his feet and then I wrapped the long sleeves across his belly and tie the sleeves in the back. That also helped to keep him on his side since back 13yrs ago. I'm dating myself so I'll stop!! I love the pictures and am so amazed how much they change so quickly! Thank you for posting!!!!

Karen R on April 13, 2008 at 9:20 PM said...

what a funny story!

I don't know if I can describe this modified swaddle, but I'll try anyway: 2 blankets, one swaddling lower half of body, other one folded in half longways a couple times and wrap around her torso (like a burrito, but with a really narrow tortilla)...tucking the ends around arms and under her body, snug, so her body weight keeps it in place.

I'm sure you'll come up with something creative that works.

Outnumbered on April 14, 2008 at 5:48 PM said...

Mine have recently started taking toys away from each other also. Oh what a glimpse of things to come, lol! Love the pic on this post!