Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Fun New Things in Our World

We spent the last couple of days down at Grandma and Grandpa's house and as always it was so much fun. The girls just adore G & G, and its gives Keith and I some free time while they are playing with the babies. The weather was beautiful and we spent most of the time outside on the patio. The girls just LOVE to take in everything around them, watching the birds, looking at all the plants, and checking everything out. I love that the girls adore being outside, it is going to make for a great summer!

Kylee found her Toes!! Although she doesn't play with them all the time, she is getting more and more consistent with it. Its so Cute!

Kaylyn found all of the fun toys on her Jumperoo! They are both getting really good and grabbing at stuff and interacting with things around them. I am so proud of them. Its really funny that they already have their favorite toys, and its amazing how they can go from having a full blown screaming fit to being enthralled by one toy or another.

In July the girls will be evaluated to make sure that they are progressing developmentally as they should. Being a mom, I am a little worried about it even though I know they are doing great. Everything I have read tells me that they are right on target for 4 month olds (their adjusted age) if not even a little ahead. If for some reason they are found to need some work in certain areas they will be enrolled in Early Intervention where they will receive either Physical Therapy or Occupational Therapy, or both depending on what they need to work on.

I made the girls a Dr's appointment for Friday to see if their pediatrician will adjust their prevacid dose (for reflux). When they were first prescribed it they were only 6lbs, and needless to say they have grown significantly since then and it is no longer lasting the full 24 hours which makes for two unhappy babies. I cannot wait to see how much weight they have gained. They are getting so big!!

I hope everyone is doing well! Until next time...


Kelly on May 1, 2008 at 9:02 AM said...

Yes, CIO is hard. The hard part is you either have to do all the way or not at all and I am failing at that (I don't just leave them in there to CIO I go in and check every 5, 10...). Some of my friend CIO from birth and other places I read it should be over 4 months.

I just don't understand why my girls are still getting up every 3 hours at night! I don't mind if it was necessary, but I am pretty sure it is not.

However, the schedule part I am loving. The hardest part is getting 7 am to be the first feed (or 6:45 or 7:15...around there). If I can get that then I can usually keep the rest of the day on schedule.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to read how great the girls are doing! I love the pictures and the updates. Catching up on you and the girls really helps pick my mood up and I am appreciative of you for taking the time. I love and miss you:)

Karen R on May 6, 2008 at 11:14 AM said...

toes--yummy fun!