Saturday, April 26, 2008

Giggles and Rolling Over

Today Keith was home and it was HOT outside so we went on a family adventure to the pool. I was hoping I would get more of a reaction of of the girls this time, but once again they were very indifferent about it. They didn't show any emotion at all. I guess that's better than screaming. Keith dunked Kaylyn under the water a couple of times and she did very well. There was a little 7 year old girl that was swimming in the pool and she was fascinated by the girls, she even asked me if she could hold them. I had to kindly tell her that they were still too small. It was a fun adventure. One of my favorite things about going to the pool is the fact that the girls pass out when they get home, apparently it wears them out!!

This morning we were doing tummy time with the girls and Kylee rolled from her tummy to her back 2 times!! It was so cute, when she was done you could see the satisfaction in her face.

We had both of the girls in their jumperoo's and they both LOVE to show of their jumping abilities. Kaylyn was having such a grand time jumping away that she was even Giggling! It was great!

The last few nights we have still had our bedtime battles to get them to sleep, but I have to say (I really hope I am not jinxing myself here..) that they have both gotten significantly better at staying asleep once they are out. Kaylyn will typically fall asleep by 7:30 or so and for the past few nights she has not woken up until around 5-6am! Kylee is our little night owl, and we are lucky if we can get her down by 9pm and she usually wakes up around 3am or so and then again at 6am. We are not consistently sleeping through the night, but its a step in the right direction!

I hope everyone had a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

Your day sounds great and how nice that you are able to get a bit of a break tonight!

Karen R on April 29, 2008 at 10:37 AM said...

if the kids pass out after swimming--yea!!! sometimes I take Addisyn outside to play just b/c I know she will get in a good mood and then nap better afterwards.