Wednesday, October 17, 2007

They're Starting to Grow into their Skin

When the girls were born, they looked like little old ladies-so much skin, and not enough fat to fill it! They were quite wrinkly. But in the last couple of days they have both been consistently putting on weight, and they are starting to fill it out...a little bit!

Both of the girls are continuing to do really well. Kaylyn is still on the Nasal Cannula for breathing, and Kylee had to be put back on CPAP last night. She was working a little to hard to breath, so they did it as a precautionary measure. The one thing I really don't like about the CPAP is that it makes her little eyes swell up and she can't open them. It makes me sad.

They both have all of their Belly Button lines out now. This means that we can hold both of them now!! Yesterday, Keith held Kylee and I held Kaylyn for over 2 hours. We would have switched, but its really hard and inconvenient with all of their wires and everything that is attached to them. So we will switch today.

Kylee is now being fed 5ml of breast milk every 3 hours, and Kaylyn is at 2ml every 3 hours. We are still having little problems with digestion, but yesterday they both got suppositories and they pooped so hopefully that cleaned out the plumbing to help things along.

The only things that remains to linger is Kaylyn's PDA in her heart. The valve still has not shut entirely. The Dr.'s are going to continue to monitor it. But since it is so small, and she is asymptomatic, they are choosing not to send her to childrens for the surgical ligation to close it for now. She is going to have another Cardiac Ultrasound today, so hopefully it will show it closed on its own.

I'm not gonna lie, my girls are the cutest kids in the NICU! I love them so much!! We are hoping the good progress continues.